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More About Dental Laser Procedures

Laser dental treatment is totally different to ‘old fashioned’ dentistry. There is no need to destroy large amounts of tooth tissue with a drill to restore your teeth, or endure needles for fillings thanks to dental laser surgery. But how does it work and why should you consider dental laser surgery?

What Is A Dental Laser?

A dental laser is a specific laser designed for use in oral surgery and dental procedures. Tooth enamel is the hardest material in the human body, which is why traditionally dentists have resorted to using tough tools on it. But traditional drills and needles cause vibration, heat and pain to the patient, and contribute to the anxiety that many people feel at the dentist. Today, with the advanced technology of dental lasers, we can perform a wide range of dental procedures on your teeth, gum and bone in a much more comfortable way.

Benefits of Dental Laser Surgery

Dental laser technology brings many other benefits to our patients. For example, it enables us to reshape the gums around your front teeth in a single visit, without surgery or stitches, and permanently improve the appearance of the teeth. There is very little soreness after the procedure and no long wait for swelling to subside — you can proceed to cosmetic dentistry straight away! Dental lasers have been engineered and designed to perform special functions without changing or damaging the surrounding mouth tissues, and with much less pain.

Dental Laser Procedures

Dental lasers allow us to perform a wide range of dental procedures on teeth, gum and bone more comfortably. At Dundas Dental, we use dental lasers to treat a range of oral conditions and dental issues. Examples of our dental laser services and procedures include:

  • Tooth decay — lasers are used to remove decay within a tooth and prepare the surrounding enamel for a filling
  • Fillings — lasers are used to “cure” or harden a filling
  • Gum disease — lasers are used to reshape gums and remove bacteria during root canals
  • Biopsy — lasers can be used to remove a small piece of tissue so that it can be examined closer
  • Lesion removal — lasers are used to remove mouth lesions and relieve the pain of canker sores
  • Teeth whitening — lasers are used to speed up in-office teeth whitening procedures. A peroxide bleaching solution, applied to the tooth surface, is activated by laser energy.

Laser Teeth Whitening Sydney

The term ‘laser’ is often confused with UV lamps used to heat teeth whitening gel to create a reaction on the surface of the teeth. These lamps can heat the pulp of the tooth, which can cause damage to your teeth. Dental laser teeth whitening procedures use a single wavelength of light, which is much more targeted with its interaction with dental tissue. This unique method means virtually all types of stained teeth can be treated. It is also a far safer, quicker and more effective whitening treatment. To find out more, ask your dentist about dental laser technology at your next visit.

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